Here is a snapshot of the homes for sale, pending and sold in South Whidbey. Using this graph, you can compare the most recent moth's trends with that same month from one year ago. Comparing our market this year vs. last year gives you some sense of the health of our market, but remember, there are always hidden factors and trends that might be influencing these stats. For a more complete picture of our market, or how your home might be influenced by our local trends, please give us a call.
This graphs shows the average days on market, which means the number of days from the date a property is listed, until the property goes pending. It is good to note there are usually anywhere from a couple weeks to a couple months between the date a property goes Pending to the date the sale actually closes. The graphs also show the average difference between the listing price and the selling price of a property as a percentage of list price. If the average is 98%, a home listed at $100,000 it will on average sell at $98,000
This graph shoes both the average price of the homes for sale in South Whidbey in any given month, and the average price sold in any given month and the relationship between the two.
This graph shows the months of inventory available on South Whidbey based on closed sales.